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Lying with the Dead

Michael Mewshaw
pubblicato da Other Press

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-18 %

In this novel, Greek tragedy meets a dysfunctional family from Maryland, revealing how time and place matter little when it comes to the implacable logic of the darkest human emotions.
A family matriarchhalf Medea, half Clytemnestracalls home her three children, who take turns narrating the story. Quinn, the wonder boy who has become a successful actor in London, must fly in from England, putting a new love interest and a career-boosting role in a BBC production of the Oresteia on hold. Maury, whose life is defined by his Asperger's and a terrible crime committed when he was a teenager, rides in on a bus from his quiet, impoverished life out west. Candy, the eldest at fifty-five and the only one still a devout Catholic, is already in Maryland, where she takes care of her mother and dreams of retiring to North Carolina with her boyfriend. Once the family is reassembled in the childhood home, the pieces of a dark puzzle come together over brilliant and witty exchanges. Mewshaw invites us into the heart of a family dynamic, exploding prejudices about love, religion, and murder.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Other Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/10/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781590513552

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Lying with the Dead

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