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Macho Men in South African Gyms - Jacques Rothmann
Macho Men in South African Gyms - Jacques Rothmann

Macho Men in South African Gyms

Jacques Rothmann
pubblicato da Springer International Publishing

Prezzo online:
-10 %

This book explores the experiences of self-identified heterosexual and gay men in contemporary South African gym contexts, particularly as it relates to how the intersection of spornosexual and inclusive masculinities inform their views and enactment of their masculine and sexual identities. Chapters engage with findings from an in-depth qualitative sociological exploration on issues surrounding these masculinities among men living in South Africa who engage in gym work. The author demonstrates that men, when given the opportunity to reflect on their own and the masculinity of others, acknowledge how they promote softer, kinder, disciplined, playful, and sexually agentic masculinities through their look and touch.

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Editore Springer International Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 10/10/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783031154409

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Macho Men in South African Gyms

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