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Madrid, Barcelona & Spain

pubblicato da MobileReference

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This is the most complete guide to Spain available in electronic format. It includes over 50,000 articles about, cities, villages, museum, national parks, caves, and other attractions. It is indexed alphabetically and by category, making it easier to access individual articles. Articles feature information about attractions, landmarks, districts, transportation, cultural venues, dining, history and much more. Addresses, telephones, hours of operation and admissions information are included. The guide is complemented by clearly marked maps that are linked to city attractions. An interlinked phrasebook as well as a pronunciation guide are included.This travel guide also features five itineraries with our suggestions for your travel route:Complete Spain in 3 weeksMadrid in three daysBarcelona in three daysAndalusia in two weeksThe Way of St. JamesGibraltar in one dayAll itineraries include links to individual attraction articles.NEW FEATURE: The attraction articles now include GPS coordinates and links to Google Maps. On a dedicated electronic reader with a slow connection and a primitive browser, Google Maps will display the attraction on the map along with metro stations, roads, and nearby attractions. On an internet-enabled device such as the iPhone and the iPad, Google Maps will even show you the route from your current location to the attraction you want to go to.CONTENTS:Essentials: Spanish Phrasebook Catalan Phrasebook Eat Drink Sleep Stay safe Stay healthy Respect Contact Units Conversion Driving in Europe1. SPAIN: Itineraries Map History Geography Climate Regions Talk Get in Top 20 Castles Natural Attractions Culture Spanish cuisine Spanish Wine Buy2. MAPS: Spain Madrid Barcelona Andalusia Valencia and Murcia Catalonia Basque Country Aragon Cantabria Asturias Galicia Castile-La Mancha Castile-Leon Extremadura Balearic Islands Canary Islands3.1 MADRID: History Culture Sports Tourism Office Climate Get in Get around Districts3.2 Madrid Attractions: Attractions Map A-Z Top 10 Itinerary See Do Buy Palaces Museums Buildings Parks Convents Monuments Squares & Streets Theaters Bullfighting3.3 Excursions from Madrid: Toledo Segovia El Escorial Valley of the Fallen Ávila Aranjuez Alcala de Henares Chinchon Manzanares el Real Top 10 attractions in central Spain4.1 BARCELONA: Tourism Offices Geography Climate History Eat Drink Sleep4.2 Barcelona Transport: Get in Get around4.3 Barcelona Attractions: Attractions Map A-Z Top 10 Itinerary Buy Beaches4.4 Barcelona by Area: Ciutat Vella Eixample Gràcia Barceloneta Excursions from Barcelona4.5 Barcelona Landmarks: Civic Buildings Churches Towers Parks Streets Plazas 4.6 Landmarks by Architects: Antoni Gaudí Josep Puig i Cadafalch Lluis Domènech i Montaner4.7 Barcelona Culture: Language Events Sports Museums Theaters Catalan Cuisine5. ANDALUSIA: Attractions Map A-Z Top 10 Itinerary: Andalusia in 2 Weeks History Geography Culture Get in Provinces Cities & Towns Cádiz Córdoba Granada Seville Málaga Marbella Ronda Gibraltar Castles Natural Attractions Caves Megalithic tombs6. MURCIA: Attractions Map A-Z History Kingdom of Murcia Geography Climate Get in Top Sights Murcia City Costa Cálida Castles Beaches Natural Attractions Caves Festivals Cuisine7. VALENCIA: Attractions Map A-Z History Kingdom of Valencia Geography Climate Get in Top Sights Cities Valencia City Costa Blanca Castles Natural Attractions Caves Hot Springs Cuisine8. CATALONIA: Attractions map A-Z History Culture Language Get in Top 10 Cities Barcelona Vic Costa Brava Girona Figueres Lloret de Mar Tossa de Mar Blanes Lleida Tarragona Salou Reus Tortosa Castles Churches and Monasteries Natural Attractions9. ARAGON: Attractions Map A-Z Geography Climate History Get in Festivals See Do Cities Zaragoza Huesca Teruel Monasterio de Piedra Alhama de Aragon Castles Caves Natural Attractions10. BASQUE COUNTRY, NAVARRE, LA RIOJA: Attractions Map A-Z Geography Climate History of the Basque people History of Navarre History of La Rioja G

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Editore Mobilereference

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/12/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781611983197

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Madrid, Barcelona & Spain

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