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Major and Serious Crime Investigations - Richard Carr - Colin Davies
Major and Serious Crime Investigations - Richard Carr - Colin Davies

Major and Serious Crime Investigations

Richard Carr - Colin Davies
pubblicato da Critical Publishing Ltd

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Disponibile in 8-10 giorni. la disponibilità è espressa in giorni lavorativi e fa riferimento ad un singolo pezzo
76 punti carta PAYBACK
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Provides essential reading in the field of major and serious crime investigation, providing those new to investigation a strong foundation from which to build and those with experience the opportunity to develop their knowledge in the field.

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Generi LAW » International Law , Social Sciences » Education & Teaching » Sociology

Editore Critical Publishing Ltd

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 08/01/2024

Pagine 240

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781915713186

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Major and Serious Crime Investigations

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