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Mal Goode Reporting

Liann Tsoukas - Rob Ruck
pubblicato da University of Pittsburgh Press

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Mal Goode (19081995) became network news's first African American correspondent when ABC News hired him in 1962. Raised in Homestead and Pittsburgh, he worked in the mills, graduated from the University of Pittsburgh, and went on to become a journalist for the Pittsburgh Courier and later for local radio. With his basso profundo voice resonating on the airwaves, Goode challenged the police, politicians, and segregation, while providing Black listeners a voice that captured their experience. Race prevented him from breaking into television until Jackie Robinson dared ABC to give him a chance. Goode was uncompromising in his belief that network news needed Black voices and perspectives if it were to authentically reflect the nation's complexities. His success at ABC initiated the slow integration of network news. Goode's life and work are remarkable in their own right, but his struggles and achievements also speak to larger issues of American life and the African American experience.

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Mal Goode Reporting

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