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Margarita Mama

Alyssa Gusenoff
pubblicato da Quirk Books

Prezzo online:
-13 %

This collection of refreshing, alcohol-free cocktail recipes is the perfect toast to fun-loving moms-to-be!

From Watermelon Margaritas and Pineapple Mojitos to Mai Tais, Mimosas, and Cosmopolitans, Margarita Mama offers a pitcherful of delicious "mocktails" designed specifically for moms-to-be. These tasty treats are 100 percent alcohol-free and offer plenty of nutritional benefits for both mom and baby.

Recipes include twists on old favorites such as Mudslides, Piña Coladas, and Sangria, plus yummy new libations like the Raging Hormone, the Nothing Fits Fizz, and the Perfect Pear of Jeans. Filled to the brim with delicious concoctions and whimsical illustrations, Margarita Mama makes the perfect gift for fun-loving moms-to-be everywhere.

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Editore Quirk Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/03/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781594748370

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Margarita Mama

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