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Marion Cotillard

Dominique Choulant
pubblicato da Max Milo Editions

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"A great actress, who puts life into the dialogue. Her acting is very natural, her face so expressive. She doesn't act, she is." Woody Allen The teenager who saw herself as dull and timid and who wanted to be invisible for fear that she would seem like a show-off has become, in a career spanning twenty years, a quintessential artist of the Seventh Art. Sometimes nicknamed "Marion the kid," the "French Siren" in the United States, her notoriety has led her to be known by the simple, tradittional name of "Cotillard," just as other famous and appreciated actresses are called "Adjani," "Binoche" or "Deneuve." Passionate about cinema, Dominique Choulant lets us better understand a rich and endearing personality, a dedicated woman and an exceptional artist who, by the virtue of going to the limits of each character, succeeded in being herself.

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Generi Arte Beni culturali e Fotografia » Artisti

Editore Max Milo Editions

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/07/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9782315011698

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Marion Cotillard

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