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Marrakech City Break Photo Special 2024

Don Muschter
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The exotic desert city of Marrakech- A wonderful photo special
Just saying the name Marrakech conjures up an image of an exotic desert city of camel drivers, snake charmers and (flying) carpets. If you have ever wondered what it looks like in the tales of 1001 Nights, Marrakech comes pretty close. Time seems to stand still and a stroll around the Djemaa-el-Fna square will take you back to the Middle Ages. An important city, Marrakech is the former capital of Morocco and even the country's namesake. But make no mistake: Marrakech also has a very hip, exclusive and trendy side!

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Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 22/04/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230007673412

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Marrakech City Break Photo Special 2024

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