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Mars' First Friends

Susanna Leonard Hill
pubblicato da Sourcebooks

Prezzo online:

From the creators of New York Times bestseller Moon's First Friends comes a new, heartwarming picture book about the little red planet who just wants a pet! One of this year's best Mars books for kids!

In a solar system full of planets, Mars feels all alone. All Mars wants is someone to play with, but all of the planets are just too busy. Mars can't help but wonderwill he ever get a playmate? Until one day, Earth sends her little brother Mars his first friends: the rovers Spirit and Opportunity!

Learn about Mars' rovers through this universal story about man'sand Mars'best friendsour beloved pets! With its charming text and beautiful illustrations, this sweet solar system story and bedtime read aloud for children ages 4-7 is the perfect book for little adventurers searching for more books on pets and space books for kids.

Why readers love Mars' First Friends:

  • An educational and heartwarming story about Mars' rovers told from the unique perspective of Mars itself!
  • Makes a fantastic back to school book, holiday stocking stuffer, or gift for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, or any occasion!
  • Educational bonus content includes out-of-this world facts about the solar system, Mars, and his real-life petsNASA's rovers
  • A sweet introduction to the solar system family makes this a great family read aloud

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Storie di animali

Editore Sourcebooks

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/06/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781728230184

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