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Martha's Vineyard - The Cubby 2023 Long Weekend Guide

James Cubby
pubblicato da Fisher Collins Press

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A complete guide for everything you need to experience a great Long Weekend on Martha's Vineyard. Explore Edgartown, Aquinnah, Oak Bluffs, Chilmark, the beacheswherever your trip takes you on the Vineyard.

"We had 10 days on Cape Cod, but after a problem with our B&B that forced us to vacate 3 days early, we got this book online and decided to take the ferry over to Martha's Vineyard where we had the best time of our lives. Next year, we're spending the whole 10 days here and leaving crowded Cape Cod behind!"

--- Morris W., Seattle

"Being Londoners who'd never been to Cape Cod before, we found our experience on Martha's Vineyard to be the best thing about the whole trip. And we had a whole week AFTER Labor Day, when the entire place changes into another world. A truly magical place."

--- Frederick H., London

You'll save a lot of time using this concise guide.

=Lodgings (throughout the area) variously priced

=Fine & budget restaurants, more than enough listings to give you a sense of the variety to be found.

=Principal attractions -- don't waste your precious time on the lesser ones. We've done all the work for you.

=A handful of interesting shopping ideas.

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Generi Viaggi e turismo » Guide turistiche » Ristoranti e bar » Alberghi e alloggi

Editore Fisher Collins Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 08/12/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798215731932

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