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Martial Arts Master - Manuro
Martial Arts Master - Manuro

Martial Arts Master

pubblicato da Quirk Books

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**This middle-grade graphic novel gives YOU opportunity to become the champion of a martial arts tournamentpick your path, gain new skills, solve puzzles, and play through new storylines again and again! **
Every year, the world's leading martial arts experts gather at the Arena of the Elements for a fierce and spectacular competition. Only one can be declared champion, and you hope to be the lucky winner. Your team is counting on you to deliver a victory, but between the traps set by your opponents and the whims of your eccentric master, the trophy is the longshot of a lifetime. You must use all the strength, skill, and strategy at your disposalbecause whether you win or lose the championship is all up to you!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa

Editore Quirk Books

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 22/10/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781683691327

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Martial Arts Master

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