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Master Your Thinking: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Memory, Mindfulness, Accelerated Learning and Learn Emotional Intelligence

Jack Peace
pubblicato da Jack Peace

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How would you benefit from a fabulous memory that has unlimited potential?

How would improved Emotional Intelligence develop your life and career?

Could accelerated learning help you to climb the ladder of success faster than you imagined?

For any of us who are chasing the dream of success, in whatever we are doing, there are certain things that will propel us towards it much faster once they are learned. By mastering our thoughts we give ourselves a unique advantage over others, which then makes learning new things a lot easier. One of the cornerstones of this is Emotional Intelligence, something that many employers are now coveting above all else.

Inside the pages of this book, Master Your Thinking: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Memory, Mindfulness, Accelerated Learning and Learn Emotional Intelligence, you'll discover many of the tips and advice that will help you to perfect the art, with chapters on:

  • What happens when you worry too much
  • How Emotional Intelligence impacts the workplace
  • Overcoming negativity and harmful thoughts
  • Techniques for emotional empathy
  • The steps towards good habit building
  • How your habits create your personality

And more

If you have ever wondered how successful people seem to have unlimited memory capacity or learn things faster that those around them then get a copy of Master Your Thinking now.

It will help you to understand the processes involved and provide you with the platform you need to achieve your own deserved success.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Self Help

Editore Jack Peace

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 19/02/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781393599586

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Master Your Thinking: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Memory, Mindfulness, Accelerated Learning and Learn Emotional Intelligence

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