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Mated to the Alien Volume Two

Kate Rudolph - Starr Huntress
pubblicato da Kate Rudolph

Prezzo online:

Featuring two tales of doomed Detyens and their fated mates!

A malfunctioning cyborg...
When glitches in his cybernetic enhancements cause Max to flee Nina Station, he joins the crew of the spaceship, Kella, as their resident cyborg and head of security. Time is running short as Max searches for anything that will keep him from glitching so much that he becomes a threat to everyone around him. But when he sees his sexy roommate, a cure is the last thing on his mind.

Welcome to Earth. Try not to die.
When his brethren begin to discover human mates, Krayter knows his best chance at surviving the Denya Price is to journey to Earth and find the woman he's been waiting for. Otherwise, he'll waste away and die by the age of thirty like most other Detyens. But when his speeder crashes in a hostile human settlement, a mate is the last thing on his mind. Until he sees his salvation.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa » Fantascienza

Editore Kate Rudolph

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 05/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230004260059

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Mated to the Alien Volume Two

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