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Two strangers fall in love on a trainboth are keeping secrets.

Autumn, 1889
Bella has no interest in romance after a failed affair with a married man. But that all changes when she meets Russell on the journey to Black Bear Creek. Sparks immediately fly between the half-Mohegan nurse and the handsome Irish doctor. But an old Mohegan medicine woman warns Bella about an evil that awaits her if she returns to the city.

When Bella takes a job caring for an elderly man at a posh hotel in upper Manhattan, she assumes she has hit the jackpot. But are the wealthy old Dutchman and his conniving sister to be trusted?

Looks can be deceiving. Is it too late for Russell to save Bella from their poisonous trap?

Anything is possible with the protection of a sacred Mohegan talisman and a whole lot of love.

The second book in the Ungilded series is a romance filled with danger that will have readers falling for the handsome Irish doctor and the spunky Mohegan heroine. Best-selling author- Melissa Keir.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Rosa » Storici

Editore Inkspell Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 17/09/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781964636092

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Mayhem in Disguise

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