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Brand new holiday stories from bestselling authors! This boxed set contains powerful alpha men and heroines who bring them to their knees.

Enter the world of dark mansions and mysterious heroes. The notorious Morelli family hosts their annual Christmas ball. And you are invited to experience the sensual feast.


O Holy Night by Pam Godwin

Santa Baby by Claire Contreras

All I Want for Christmas Is You by M. Robinson

Last Christmas by Katee Robert

Carol of the Bells by Maria Luis

Silver Bells by Alta Hensley

O Come All Ye Faithful by Amelia Wilde

Silent Night by Sienna Snow

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear by Jenika Snow

Wrapped in Red by Sam Mariano

Little Drummer Boy by M. O'Keefe

Baby, It's Cold Outside by Giana Darling

Away in a Manger by Jade West

This Christmas by Theodora Taylor

Hallelujah by Skye Warren

MEET ME UNDER THE MISTLETOE is an exclusive anthology of scorching hot NEW holiday stories. Download your copy and tell a book-loving friend, because it won't last long.

Welcome to the Midnight Dynasty... The warring Morelli and Constantine families have enough bad blood to fill an ocean, and their brand new stories will be told by your favorite dangerous romance authors.

WARNING: This book is intended for readers eighteen years old and over. It contains material that some readers could find disturbing. Enter at your own risk...

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Racconti e antologie letterarie

Editore Dangerous Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 17/10/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230005219827

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Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

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