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Embrace the warmth, joy, and profound spiritual insights of the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons with this unique devotional collection, specially compiled for African American churches and families. Authored by esteemed scholars, ministers, and lay leaders, this devotional weaves together cherished memories, beloved hymns, and reflective meditations that resonate deeply with the African American faith experience. Melodies of Faith: An Advent Devotional for African American Churches & Families is more than a devotionalit's a journey through the heart of the holiday seasons, designed to deepen your faith and bring your family closer together. Daily reflections from distinguished contributors guide you through the sacred seasons, offering hope, peace, joy, and love. Engage with scripture and music that celebrate the rich heritage and traditions of the African American church. Thought-provoking reflection questions encourage meaningful conversations at home and in church communities. Special litanies, prayers, and songs for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany enrich your worship experience. Join us in celebrating the miracles of Advent, the joy of Christmas, and the revelations of Epiphany with this beautifully crafted devotional.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Storia delle religioni » Cristianesimo

Editore Chalice Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780827223851

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Melodies of Faith

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