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It's 1775 and the American colonies are on the brink of revolution. Boston is swarming with soldiers, spies, and secrets. Tempers are flaring between the Whigs and the Tories. Fourteen-year-old Hannah Andrews is thrown into the middle of it all when she is driven out of her home by her guardian aunt to work as an indentured servant in the Boston household of Thomas Gage, governor of the colonies and general of the British armies.
Soon after Hannah's arrival, the stable boy, Caleb, befriends her and alerts her to the issues faced by Americans under British rule. Hannah dreams of freedom and begins to sympathize with Americans who desire independence from Britain. On the other hand, Hannah has deep respect for the Gage family and affection for her rebellious young mistress, Meg. Hannah soon realizes that Meg is as trapped in her aristocratic life as Hannah is in her own bondage as a servant.
Hannah relies on her beloved horse, Promise, to help her through the difficult times. Disguised as a boy on her midnight rides with Promise, Hannah learns on which side her heart belongs. Then, when Hannah overhears a British plot to march on her hometown, she and Promise risk their lives to carry the warning to the town of Salem.
Packed with fascinating historical details, real events, and memorable characters, Midnight Rider is historical fiction at its best--guaranteed to thrill Joan Hiatt Harlow's loyal fans as well as those lucky readers who are discovering her for the first time.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Animali » Avventura » Narrativa » Avventura

Editore Margaret K. Mcelderry Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 23/06/2008

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781439107805

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Midnight Rider

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