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Milwaukee in Stone and Clay

Raymond Wiggers
pubblicato da Cornell University Press

Prezzo online:
-5 %

Milwaukee in Stone and Clay follows directly in the footsteps of Raymond Wiggers's previous award-winning book, Chicago in Stone and Clay**.** It offers a wide-ranging look at the fascinating geology found in the building materials of Milwaukee County's architectural landmarks. And it reveals the intriguing and often surprising links between science, art, and engineering.

Laid out in two main sections, the book first introduces the reader to the fundamentals of Milwaukee's geology and its amazing prehuman history, then provides a site-by-site tour guide. Written in an engaging, informal style, this work presents the first in-depth exploration of the interplay among the region's most architecturally significant sites, the materials they're made of, and the sediments and bedrock they're anchored in.

Raymond Wiggers crafted Milwaukee in Stone and Clay as an informative and exciting overview of this city. His two decades of experience leading architectural-geology tours have demonstrated the popularity of this approach and the subject matter.

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