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Modelling German WWII Armoured Vehicles

Robin Buckland
pubblicato da Crowood

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Modelling German WWII Armoured Vehicles is an essential reference for wargamers and modellers who build and paint World War II German armoured vehicles. It provides extensive information on the vehicles, describing what was used and when, and how the vehicles evolved and were adapted to perform specialised functions. Photographs of vintage vehicles have been included to enable the creation of realistic models. This new book encourages both young and old to get into the fascinating hobby of modelling military vehicles. It provides a history of German Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs), looks back at early AFV models and the development of the hobby over the last 50 years. It provides detail on how to assemble plastic, resin and metal models, including etch brass detailing, and covers colours and markings, plus the various paints you can use to finish your models. A practical guide to the techniques used in accurately modelling World War II German armoured vehicles in any scale, fully illustrated with 195 colour images.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Creatività e Tempo libero » Modellismo (treni, aerei¿)

Editore Crowood

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/01/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781785005169

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Modelling German WWII Armoured Vehicles

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