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2024 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Silver Award Winner for Parenting & Family

Author, influencer, and founder of the popular social media community FindingJoy, Rachel Martin offers encouragement for moms by sharing her own personal journey through heartache, self-doubt, and the challenges of motherhood. With over forty letters of encouragement, from one mom to another, she tells mothers they're "mom enough."

Through this gorgeous gift book of heartfelt letters, beautiful photography, and viral quotes, Rachel offers hope and encouragement to moms feeling overwhelmed by life's twists and turns. Her vulnerable and authentic voice will inspire mothers to embrace their imperfections and find joy at each stage of motherhood.

With each letter, Rachel encourages readers to reflect on the things that truly matter, connect with their inner strength and resilience, and believe in their ability to overcome the daily obstacles that mothers face. Rachel's words help moms from all walks of life embrace the beauty and power within and to remind them they are never alone on this journey. She writes vulnerable letters to moms titled:

  1. Dear mom, you are enough
  2. Dear mom, who worries if she is a good mom
  3. Dear mom, who needs to let go of mom guilt
  4. Dear mom, with littles

Mom Enough is a love letter to every mom that serves as a reminder that being a mother is enough, that their struggles are valid, and their dreams are worth fighting for. So moms, take a deep breath and let Rachel's words be a warm conversation of support from one mother to another.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Famiglia e Figli » Gravidanza, parto, puericultura » Consigli per i genitori » Relazioni interpersonali , Politica e Società » Donne » Maternità

Editore Dexterity

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781947297838

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Mom Enough

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