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Monsters - C. Gockel
Monsters - C. Gockel

Audiolibro Monsters

C. Gockel
pubblicato da Tantor Media, Inc

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After being attacked by a serial killer, saved by Lokiso-called god of mischief, lies, and chaosdragged to Alfheim, losing every cent in her bank account, and caring for her grandmother, Amy Lewis has lost her scholarship to veterinary school. But it's all right. She has a plan. If she manages to keep her day job as a receptionist, and her night job as a vet tech, she may be able to get her scholarship reinstated and save enough money for the dreaded "miscellaneous fees." Too bad her day boss is unbearable . . .

Agent Steve Rogers has political aspirations, but when a suitcase nuke turns out to be something much worse and so-called Norse gods start showing up in his life, he has a priority shift. Meanwhile, Loki's priorities and plans haven't changed at all. He wants Asgard to burn. Of course, earthly pleasures can be so distracting.

These three disparate characters have little in common, but they'll have to join forces to save earth from trolls, wyrms, frost giant invasions, and an old evil growing beneath Chicago's streets.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Avventura » Fantasy » Fiabe e leggende , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Narrativa di Avventura , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantasy , Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Libri per ridere e collezioni umoristiche

Editore Tantor Media, Inc

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:17.09

Pubblicato 22/03/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781515972341

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