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Mooching Moose and Mumbling Men

Joe Back
pubblicato da Bower House

Prezzo online:
-17 %

Return to a simpler time in the West, when it is still uncertain which is the dominant speciesMan or Moose.

Ever meet an intoxicated moose? You will in this hilarious yarn about Nosy the Moose which takes place at the edge of the wilderness. It is the guffaw-packed story about what happens when Moose tangles with Man and how a half-civilized Alces americana demonstrates he is more than a match for homo sapiens.

This high-spirited adventure is narrated by the master spinner of tales, Joe Back, a writer who is ever alert for those fine points of humor that begin with ripples of amusement and end up in waves of convulsive laughter. You'll never forget the ranchers, game wardens, school teachers, politicians, guides, and cowboys whose lives are thoroughly and completely disrupted by Nosy.

Back also proves he is an incredible pen-and-ink artist who loves both man and beast and the hilarious, fantastic situations they get themselves intoall inadvertently, of course. In Mooching Moose and Mumbling Men, Back once again proves that he is a treasure of the American West.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Antologie e collezioni , Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Bower House

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781555664862

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Mooching Moose and Mumbling Men

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