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More Great Australian Flying Doctor Stories

Bill Marsh
pubblicato da ABC Books

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the Royal Flying Doctor Service is a unique icon of Australian culture. Since its beginnings with the Reverend John Flynn in 1928, the RFDS has helped build a nation. Its many pilots, doctors, nurses and support staff still risk their lives daily to save others. they, and the remote stations and communities that they serve, have become enduring symbols of what it means to be Australian. In MORE GREAt AUStRALIAN FLYING DOCtOR StORIES Bill 'Swampy' Marsh has gathered together another fascinating swag of first-hand stories from all walks of life, capturing the larrikin voices retelling the wonderful, frightening, hilarious, tragic and poignant true stories before the tales and the tellers vanish into the mists of time. this remarkable anecdotal record is a chronicle that reminds us of our past and keeps us in touch with the independent and inspired pioneers of our inland.

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More Great Australian Flying Doctor Stories

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