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Mouse and Mole: What Might Have Been

Joyce Dunbar
pubblicato da Graffeg

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A collection of three new stories featuring the lovable characters of Mouse and Mole.
What Might Have Been While trying to fly a kite on a blowy day, Mouse and Mole think about what they could have been, but agree they are best as themselves.
A Rainy Day After several days of rain, Mouse and Mole just want it to go away. They try everything to get it to stop raining; telling it to stop, a stop-raining dance and song and even being nice to the rain, but nothing seems to be working.
Atishoo! Mouse wakes one morning with a cold and Mole promises to molly-coddle him until he is better. But Mole must make sure everything is perfect before he can give it to Mouse.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Animali » Narrativa » Racconti e storie brevi

Editore Graffeg

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/09/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781802588040

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Mouse and Mole: What Might Have Been

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