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Mrs. Ravenbach's Way - William M. Akers
Mrs. Ravenbach's Way - William M. Akers

Mrs. Ravenbach's Way

William M. Akers
pubblicato da Regan Arts.

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A wickedly funny first novel about a dictatorial teacher and the irrepressible boy who stands up to her.

Being a new student at the McKegway School for Clever and Gifted Children is crummy enough, but when Toby Wilcox is stuck in the fourth grade homeroom of Mrs. Ravenbach, a vainglorious German tyrant who worships "the order and the discipline," he faces a much bigger challengefight back or be ground to goo in the gears of Teutonic efficiency.

Toby upends Mrs. Ravenbach's perfectly ordered universe and risks everything to strike a blow for free-thinkers everywhere!

Mrs. Ravenbach's Way is the first book in the series: The Amazing Escapades of Toby Wilcox.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Scuola » Storie da ridere

Editore Regan Arts.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/03/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781941393925

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Mrs. Ravenbach

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