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Murder Must Advertise

Dorothy L. Sayers
pubblicato da Open Road Media

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Lord Peter Wimsey goes undercover at an ad agency to find out who pitched a copywriter down a flight of stairs"Delightful reading" (The New York Times).

The iron staircase at Pym's Publicity is a deathtrap, and no one in the advertising agency is surprised when Victor Dean tumbles down it, cracking his skull along the way. Dean's replacement arrives just a few days latera green copywriter named Death Bredon. Though he displays a surprising talent for the business of selling margarine, alarm clocks, and nerve tonics, Bredon is not really there to write copy. In fact, he is really Lord Peter Wimsey, and he has come to Pym's in search of the man who pushed Dean.

As he tries to navigate the cutthroat world of London advertising, Lord Peter uncovers a mystery that touches on catapults, cocaine, and cricket. But how does one uncover a murderer in a business where it pays to have no soul?

Murder Must Advertise is the 10th book in the Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, but you may enjoy the series by reading the books in any order.

This ebook features an illustrated biography of Dorothy L. Sayers including rare images from the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli storici

Editore Open Road Media

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 31/07/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781453258934

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Murder Must Advertise

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