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Murder in the Reading Room

Ellery Adams
pubblicato da Kensington Books

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-9 %

Storyton Hall, Virginia, is a paradise for book lovers who come from all over for literary getaways. But manager Jane Steward is temporarily leaving for another renowned resortin hopes of solving a twist-filled mystery . . .

Jane's boyfriend is missing, and she thinks she may find him at North Carolina's historic Biltmore Estate. Officially, she's there to learn about luxury hotel management, but she's also prowling around the breathtaking buildings and grounds looking for secret passageways and clues. One of the staff gardeners promises to be helpful . . . that is, until his body turns up in the reading room of his cottage, a book on his lap.

When she finally locates the kidnapped Edwin, his captor insists that she lead him back to Storyton Hall, convinced that it houses Ernest Hemingway's lost suitcase, stolen from a Paris train station in 1922. But before they can turn up the treasure, the bell may toll for another victim . . .

"Readers will find themselves wanting to live in Storyton, no matter how many people end up dead there." Suspense Magazine on Murder in the Locked Library

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller

Editore Kensington Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/04/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781496715661

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Murder in the Reading Room

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