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Music of Yes

Bill Martin Jr.
pubblicato da Open Court

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Unlike most books on rock music, Music of Yes does not focus on personalities, but instead on musical structures, lyrical vision, and cultural and historical context. Bill Martin situates one of the most creative groups from the progressive rock period, Yes, within the utopian ideals of the sixties and the experimental trend in rock music initiated by the Beatles and taken up by groups such as King Crimson, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, and others. Working against the seemingly entrenched cynicism and "blues orthodoxy" among rock music critics, Martin demonstrates the power of Yes's romantic, utopian, "Blakean," ecological, multicultural, and feminist perspective, showing how this vision is developed through extended musical works.

"I think this book will stand out as the most definitive study of Yes, and anyway, how could I not like a book that compares my ability to that of John Coltrane and Jimi Hendrix?"
-Chris Squire
Co-founder of Yes

"Yes fans will flock to this paean to the world of 1960s 'art rock'. . . Martin's points about the artistic aspirations of '60s and '70s 'progressive' music are thought-provoking." -Booklist

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Generi Musica » Cantanti, Compositori e Musicisti

Editore Open Court

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/12/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780812699456

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Music of Yes

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