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My Life: Recollections of a Nobel Laureate

Max Born
pubblicato da Taylor & Francis

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In this collection of informal reminiscences, first published in 1975, Max Born has written an extraordinarily vivid account of his life and work, originally intended for his family.

Ranging from his time at the University of Gottingen, where Born had his first real motivation for a professional career in science, to the period in Berlin as professor extraordinary, when he and his wife became close friends of Einstein, these anecdotes and memories chart the "heroic age of physics" from the perspective of one of its leading characters. In 1954 Born was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his fundamental contributions to the great discovery of that cadre of superlative scientific minds quantum theory.

But his scientific research provides only one strand of this story. Born's varied interests outside science led to many interesting experiences some of historical importance insofar as they offer a glimpse into German society before and between the wars.

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My Life: Recollections of a Nobel Laureate

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