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My Most Beautiful Dream Minun kaikista kaunein uneni (English Finnish)

Cornelia Haas - Ulrich Renz
pubblicato da Sefa Verlag

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Lovingly illustrated bedtime story in two languages (English and Finnish) for children from 2-3 years. Accompanied by online audiobooks and videos in English (British as well as American) and Finnish.
Lulu can't fall asleep. All her cuddly toys are dreaming already the shark, the elephant, the little mouse, the dragon, the kangaroo, and the lion cub. Even the bear has trouble keeping his eyes open ...
Hey bear, will you take me along into your dream?
Thus begins a journey for Lulu that leads her through the dreams of her cuddly toys and finally to her own most beautiful dream.
Listen to the story read by native speakers! Within the book you'll find a link that gives you free access to audiobooks and videos in both languages.
With printable coloring pages! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
Kaksikielinen lastenkirja (englanti suomi), aanikirja ja video saatavilla verkossa
Lulu ei pysty nukahtamaan. Kaikki hanen pehmolelunsa nakevat jo unta hai, elefantti, pieni hiiri, lohikaarme, kenguru ja vauvaleijona. Myos nallen silmat painuvat jo melkein kiinni
Hei nalle, otatko minut mukaan uneesi?
Niin alkaa Lulun matka, joka vie hanet lapi hanen pehmolelujensa unien - ja lopulta hanen omaan kaikista kauneimpaan uneensa.
Anna aidinkielisten puhujien lukea tarina sinulle aaneen!
Mukana varityskuvat! Kirjassa olevan linkin kautta voit ladata tarinan kuvat varitettaviksi.

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Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Corsi di altre lingue straniere , Famiglia Scuola e Università » Educazione, Scuola e Università

Editore Sefa Verlag

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/01/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783739963013

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