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My Not So Anonymous Best Friend

Elizabeth Arroyo
pubblicato da Evernight Teen

Prezzo online:

Noah aka NOS2321: Gamer. Weeb. Up-and-coming rock star. And gay. Encouraged by his anonymous pen pal, XES6969, Noah takes the leap and comes out of the closetno instructions neededaccidentally sending his father to the hospital during his reveal. Despite his horrible dating track record which included two girls (because it was required that he at least try) and one boy (because he had to start somewhere), Noah believes in happily ever after. That belief gets tested when he falls for Evan Santiago.

Evan aka XES6969, believes in sacrificing yourself for those you love. Learning NOS's identity hadn't been his fault. Except he carries the lie which begins to fester, trapping him into silence. When a stray football brings them together, Evan no longer wants to keep silent. And when he learns that Noah is interested too, he takes a chance at love, risking everyone he's tried to protect, including himself.

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Generi Non definito

Editore Evernight Teen

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 29/04/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780369506016

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My Not So Anonymous Best Friend

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