The theme of this book is about praying to enable a personal encounter with Jesus and seeing him face to face: also, who humans are, where humans came from, how we discovered God and became conscious beings. Developed language. The evolution of thinking, and why we are separated from God. How we become slaves to sin, and stray from the instinctual path to God. Using over 40 years of research, life experiences, and visions, I explore how our instincts are hardwired for God and paranormal gifts. Why humans are greater and more powerful than Satan, and how he tempts us in trying to encourage us to stray from the path to God. I explore where sin came from, what it is, its effects on our psyche, emotions, body and soul, and how Jesus wants to give us life to its fullest. Transformations of human thinking from pre-neolithic times, to neolithic and consciousness, and to modernity. These topics are stochastically interconnected between sin, consciousness, language, noetics, paranormal gifts, laws, dogmas, and ideologies as the central cause of our separation from God. This is a journey through our personal life where we are able to discover who we are as humans and how we have the power to keep God in our lives and hold evil at bay.