Do you find yourself constantly resenting other people for their success? Do you often find it hard to celebrate your own triumphs? Have certain failures in your past prevented you from moving forward and pursuing your goals and dreams? When things go wrong, do you find yourself giving up rather quickly? Is your first instinct to criticize rather than to acknowledge or praise?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, then this book is for you. In a world that's becoming increasingly cynical by the day, maintaining a healthy and positive outlook on things can be quite a challenge. However, the alternative, which involves simply allowing negative thoughts to run rampant in your mind, poses serious risks to your health and to your social life. A constant stream of negative thoughts has been known to help bring about serious ailments like high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease. Besides that, no one wants to be known as the perpetual wet blanket.
In this book, you will find a handful of effective strategies for overcoming a persistent negative attitude. You'll learn the following:
How to recognize if your thought processes are becoming dangerously toxic and negative
How to protect your mind from the negative influences of toxic people and things
Why it's important to keep your body in good working order, and how its state can affect your mindset
How to gradually but effectively take back control of your brain
What sort of habits to cultivate to keep you on track
And much, much more!
It may take a bit of work to reverse your existing thought processes, but so long as you approach your journey towards nurturing a healthy optimism with an open mind and hearty dose of commitment, you'll soon find the results would well be worth the extra effort.