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Arranged marriage, age-gap, mafia/cartel romance

Capo to the Luciano Famiglia was my birthright.

The cruelty needed to succeed in this life has been beaten into me since I was a young boy. My father, Vincent Luciano, taught by example and with the slap of his hand. My independent streak took me down paths my father would never have gone. With our enemies gaining strength, it is my idea to attempt an alliance with an unlikely bedfellow.

The Roríguez Cartel and the Luciano Famiglia are improbable partners, yet even Vincent Luciano can't deny the possible benefits. The only way to solidify the deal is for me to marry Catalina Ruiz, the eldest daughter of Andres Ruiz, a top lieutenant in the Roríguez Cartel.

Catalina is young, beautiful, and thinks she understands the path she is being forced to follow. There is no way for her to know the monster she is about to wed. A man doesn't become a made man at thirteen if he is capable of love. That emotion is beyond my scope of expertise. Saving the famiglia is my goal. And once this alliance is made, ours will be but the first of the brutal vows exchanged.

Have you been Aleatha'd?

NOW AND FOREVER is a stand-alone dangerous, Mafia/cartel, romance in the new "Brutal Vows" series. Each arranged marriage story is filled with the suspense, intrigue, and heat you've come to expect from New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig.

*NOW and FOREVER is a stand-alone Mafia/cartel, arranged marriage romance within the interconnected world of 'Brutal Vows.'

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa » Romanzi contemporanei , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Thriller e suspence

Editore Romig Works

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 13/05/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781956414806

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