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Nature at Night - Charles Hood
Nature at Night - Charles Hood

Nature at Night

Charles Hood
pubblicato da Timber Press

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A new world awakens in the dark, filled with spectacular bioluminescence, moon-kissed flora, and diverse wildlifeall captured in this spectacular photography book.

While old tales warn us that danger lies waiting in the dark, there is actually an abundance of thriving, colorful life. Solar winds brighten the sky with Northern and Southern Lights. In the desert, elegant datura blooms at night, enticing moths to help with pollination, while in the Rockies grizzly bears make a meal of the insects to sustain them during hibernation. In the ocean, night-feeding dolphins chase nocturnal squid which have made a vertical migration to the surface. In the jungles, jaguars hunt by moonlight while night monkeys swing safely through the trees.

Experienced naturalist and photographer Charles Hood captures it all, sharing his nocturnal adventures all over the world, with insight, wit, and over 240 stunning photographs. Open your senses to this darkened world, which is strange yet familiarand more beautiful than you ever imagined.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Cani Gatti e altri Animali » Animali selvatici » Ecologia e Ambiente » Conservazione e gestione territorio , Scienza e Tecnica » Biologia » Zoologia

Editore Timber Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/04/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781643264295

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Nature at Night

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