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Naughty Dragons Try School!

Natalie Jane Prior
pubblicato da Hardie Grant Children's Publishing

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In the Laidley Hundreds, dangerous wild dragons roam the Highlands. But dragons aren't born bad just naughty!

Graun and Fafnine have settled in perfectly with Ava and Jack's family, but now it's time for a whole new challenge school!
Jack and Ava are thrilled to be able to start flying to class, and Graun and Fafnine are excited to start dragon lessons. But they soon discover that school isn't all fun and games there are new rules to learn, and not all of the dragons in their class are nice.
Will Graun and Fafnine be able to stay out of mischief, or will these two naughty dragons cause trouble again?

Perfect for fans of How to Train Your Dragon and Enid Blyton's classic adventures, Naughty Dragons is a highly visual series for readers 6+, packed with rollicking adventure, riotous laughs and oodles of mischief.

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Editore Hardie Grant Children's Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/03/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781743587218

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Naughty Dragons Try School!

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