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Brian Lumley
pubblicato da Tor Publishing Group

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In this supernatural thriller set between Lumley's Vamphyri! and The Source, a vampire hunter searches for his family amid a war with the undead.

The first book in Brian Lumley's bestselling Necroscope series, Necroscope: The Lost Years.

Vampires never rest, and neither does Harry Keogh, the world's greatest vampire hunter, the Necroscope, the man who can talk to the dead. Right now, he's desperately searching for his wife and son, who disappeared amid Harry's war against the undead monsters that plague mankind. Others will to carry on that fight until the Necroscope has been reunited with his beloved family.

But it's not that easy to leave the vampire war behind. The bloodsuckers know that the Necroscope is their deadliest enemy and will do anything to destroy him.

Harry struggles to locate his missing family, not realizing that he has become a pawn in the battle between two powerful vampires. When one has slain the other, the Necroscope will be the next to die!

Praise for Necroscope: The Lost Years

"Lumley's epic Necroscope saga returns to contemporary Europe for this ripping yarn of espionage and occult intrigue. . . . Lumley's Necroscope novels are refreshing reminders that sometimes a vampire is just a bloody entertaining monster." Publishers Weekly

"The sixth volume of Lumley's vampire series, Necroscope, harks back to an earlier period in the life of Harry Keogh. . . . Succeeds at keeping the reader turning pages. . . . Wherever the other Necroscope yarns have been popular, this one will be, too." Booklist

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Horror » Fantasy » Gialli e thriller » Spionaggio » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio , Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Horror e fantasmi

Editore Tor Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/07/1996

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781466817760

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