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Nepal e-Magazine 1

Don Muschter - Robin Boustead
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We are honoured to be working with Robin Boustead on the 'Nepal e-Magazine', published in English.
Robin has been trekking the mountain ranges in Nepal since 1993. A committed environmentalist and unrivalled specialist in the field, he now lives in Kathmandu, is a passionate advocate of mountain trekking and Nepal, and is the architect behind the Great Himalaya Trails concept.
In this edition, Robin shares his insights into what to expect and how best to prepare for the ultimate trekking experience in Nepal, alongside inspiring accounts of unique trekking adventures.
This stunning 82-page e-magazine is a must for those considering hiking in Nepal, providing a wealth of inspiration, unparalleled experience and sound advice. Don't miss it!

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Generi Viaggi e turismo » Consigli , Ambiente e Animali » Sport e attività nella natura » Escursioni, passeggiate, trekking


Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 17/07/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230005674145

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Nepal e-Magazine 1

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