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In "New Comedies," Lady Gregory masterfully weaves a tapestry of humor, human emotion, and cultural critique that reflects the complexities of Irish society in the early 20th century. Through her skillful use of dialogue and vivid characterization, Gregory explores themes of love, loyalty, and the absurdities of daily life, all within the framework of the burgeoning Irish dramatic movement. This collection of one-act plays showcases her distinct literary style, characterized by the interplay of realism and myth, and positions her work within the wider context of modernist endeavors in theatre during that period. An influential figure in the Irish Literary Revival, Lady Gregory was not only a playwright but also a co-founder of the Abbey Theatre. Her deep connections to Irish folklore and history, coupled with her collaboration with prominent contemporaries such as W.B. Yeats, cultivated her unique voice and perspective. These artistic endeavors were informed by her personal experiences and keen observations, driving her to create works that resonate with both cultural pride and social criticism. "New Comedies" is a must-read for anyone interested in the evolution of Irish drama and the pivotal role of women in theatre. Gregory's sharp wit and keen social insight promise to engage readers and provoke thought, making this collection an essential addition to both literary and theatrical studies.

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Generi Cinema e Spettacolo » Teatro » Testi e critica letteraria

Editore Good Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/12/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4057664571304

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New Comedies

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