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Nik's Revenge Road Trip Mixtape

Jack Swift
pubblicato da Jack Swift

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Nik is a recovering junkie with some heavy baggage. When sober life fails to inspire, he trades in his 9 to 5 for the open road. Armed with a gun and the perfect mixtape, he's out to settle some scores.

But revenge is more complicated than he expected. For one thing, his car is haunted. Plus his 12 Step sponsor keeps calling him, and it's getting hard to keep his lies straight. Then a monster bag of heroin practically falls into his lap, which Nik finds... distracting. Worst of all, his targets don't even have the grace to be straight-up monsters.

It's a lot to deal with-- especially when, between the flashbacks and the nightmares, Nik can hardly tell the past from the present...

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Jack Swift

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 24/05/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781370074785

0 recensioni dei lettori  media voto 0  su  5

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