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Geek girl Lexi Carmichael thought meeting the in-laws would be easy as long as they met on neutral ground and she was fully prepared with a spreadsheet full of etiquette dos and don'ts. But unfortunately for Lexi, things don't always turn out as she planned.

Meeting the in-laws is a daunting task even for those who are outgoing and socially capable. Since I'm neither, the prospect of meeting Slash's parents has me scared to death. Somehow, he convinced me it would be easier meeting my in-laws for the first time at his brother's wedding during Christmas in Italy instead of at our own church wedding in the spring. He also suggested bringing my parents along to meet them, too. That way it would reduce the chance of any unnecessary drama at our nuptials. Sounds reasonable, right? Wrong.

When Slash got busy at work, I inherited his responsibility of planning some activities for the wedding party. A mysterious Italian castle, located on an island not far from the wedding venue, and supposedly filled with puzzles and challenges no one has ever been able to solve, caught my eye. Despite being built by a highly reclusive Italian billionaire who rarely permitted anyone other than carefully selected individuals to participate in the castle challenges, my impromptu request for the wedding party to visit the island was accepted.

So, off we go to Italy with my parents in tow. I'm hoping everyone will be too busy talking to each other and enjoying the castle activities to notice me much. But the castle is not all that it seems to be, and suddenly the stakes are a lot higher than expected. Will we survive the challenge as a family, or will there be no escape?

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Gialli, mistery e noir

Editore True Airspeed Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 27/09/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781941787311

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No Escape

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