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Is it a Dream Wedding or a Bad Dream?

Geek girl Lexi Carmichael thought getting married would be just a formality. But when the guests are the pope, the president of the United States, and the first lady, she'd soon find out that weddings, much like life, do not always go as planned.

Getting married to Slash in the church was supposed to be a joyous occasion and a chance for our families to get together and celebrate. We left no wedding detail to chance, hiring the same wedding planner the president recently used for his daughter's wedding. Between the wedding planner, my mom, my best friend, and the Secret Service, I felt confident we were prepared for every possible contingency. I secretly begged my little black cloud of trouble to take the week off.

Yet, even the best laid plans can go awryor get smashed, pulverized and blown to pieces. When total chaos erupts, it becomes increasingly clear someone is using our wedding as an opportunity for their own nefarious agenda. But who is the target and why? More importantly, how do we stop them?

Soon it's a race against time to find the dangerous mastermind and thwart his vile plans. From the White House to the Vatican to a small church in rural Maryland, someone is determined to stop us from getting married. But suddenly, we're not just fighting the bad guys. The media, paparazzi, and public-at-large have got wind of the story and are determined to uncover the identities of the powerful couple at the center of the international media whirlwind. It's going to take everything we've got, including the help of our family and friends, to get us to the church on timepreferably alive.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Gialli, mistery e noir

Editore True Airspeed Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 13/02/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781941787342

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No Vow Broken

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