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Oddball Ornaments: The Story of Forgiveness

Terry Overton
pubblicato da Ambassador International

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Every Thanksgiving, the Oddball Ornaments are pulled out of the attic and hung on the tree to enjoy the holiday season with the humans. Last Christmas, the Oddballs learned that "Turkey Day" and "Box Day" weren't about them but about a special Baby.
This Christmas, the Oddball Ornaments can't wait to learn more about this special holiday. But when a new ornament is hung on the tree, they find themselves left with even more questions than before. What does a drummer boy have to do with Christmas?
In this heartwarming story for children of all ages, the Oddball Ornaments will see how Christmas is all about love and forgiveness and how God can take a broken family and heal hurting hearts.

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Editore Ambassador International

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 19/07/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781649601452

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Oddball Ornaments: The Story of Forgiveness

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