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Off Kilter Bundle with A Great Kisser & Let Me In

Donna Kauffman
pubblicato da Kensington

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Off Kilter Bundle Off Kilter Fire Down Below Brash entrepreneur Roan McAuley has no problem getting naked. But being the only one in the room dropping kilt and giving plenty isn't his idea of fun--even if it's for the "Men of the Highlands" calendar and a good cause. However, getting feisty photographer Tessa Vandergriff all hot, bothered, and hungry is proving irresistible. . .even though she's not his type. And even if the sizzling attraction between them is changing everything this roguish playboy thinks he knows about lust. . .and love. Praise for Donna Kauffman and Her Novels "Give me more." --Linda Howard on The Charm Stone "Whimsical and sexy." --Jennifer Crusie on Your Wish Is My Command "Donna Kauffman writes smart and sexy, with sizzle to spare!" --Janet Evanovich A Great Kisser Buckle up. Enjoy the view. Jake McKenna fixes planes, not people. Compared to an engine, humans are high-maintenance and unpredictable--which is why Jake has zero interest in indulging his sister's request that he play tour guide and rent-a-date to her boss's visiting stepdaughter. Still, Lauren Matthews is nothing like the uptight, reed-skinny workaholic he expected. She's curvy--deliciously so. Funny. Open. And convinced that there's more to her mother's hasty marriage to the local mayor than meets the eye. Leaving her fast-track Washington career is the most impulsive thing Lauren has ever done--right until the moment she arrives in Cedar Springs, Colorado. Everything about sexy, enigmatic pilot Jake tempts Lauren to unleash her inner bad girl and let him take her places she's never been. . .even as her snooping around town provokes some extremely hostile reactions. At this altitude, losing your head is easy. Trusting your heart can cost you everything. . . Let Me In He's bringing anything but peace and quiet. . Tate Winslow is done with all the guns, the adventures, the brushes with death. All she wants is to be left alone. So when her enigmatic ex-boss shows up on her doorstep barely alive, she really tries not to care. He's all alpha male, the baddest of the bad--and a threat to her hard-won peace in more ways than one. Tate is the only lead Derek Cole has on a case that could blow the intelligence world apart--if it doesn't kill him before he can figure it out. She was his best agent, but she's in hiding and he's gone rogue, and he's starting to think of her in a very nonprofessional way. In fact, he wants Tate like he wants his next breath, but he's already risking his life and his career. . .does he need to put his heart in danger too?

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Kensington

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/01/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780758269522

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Off Kilter Bundle with A Great Kisser & Let Me In

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