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On a Stick!

Matt Armendariz
pubblicato da Quirk Books

Prezzo online:
-19 %

See for yourself why everything tastes better on a stick with these 80 recipes for skewered snacks, appetizers, and desserts that will be the hit of any party

Why do the world's most delicious foods taste even better served on a stick? Author and photographer Matt Armendariz answers the question with dozens of delightful recipes for party food, street-cart food, junk food, and more. From elegant hors d'oeuvres to humble everyday fare, it's all here:

Deep-fried mac 'n' cheese
Bacon-wrapped shrimp
Fudge puppies
Fish and chips
...and more!

On a Stick! also includes tricks for using sticks and skewers like cocktail picks, sugarcane, and fresh rosemary, ideas for entertaining, plus quick and easy recipes for delicious homemade marinades, dips, and sauces.

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Editore Quirk Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 17/12/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781594746994

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On a Stick!

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