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One Fatal Flaw (Daniel Pitt Mystery 3) - Anne Perry
One Fatal Flaw (Daniel Pitt Mystery 3) - Anne Perry

Audiolibro One Fatal Flaw (Daniel Pitt Mystery 3)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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The third gripping instalment in an exciting new generation of Pitt novels**, from the New York Times bestselling author and queen of Victorian crime, Anne Perry.**

It is 1910 and a warehouse fire on the banks of the Thames has left one criminal dead and another charged with his murder. Convinced of his innocence, Jessie Beale begs barrister Daniel Pitt to defend the accused. It's a hopeless case - unless Daniel can find an expert witness, whose testimony on fire damage is so utterly convincing that any jury would believe him.

Daniel's friend Miriam fford Croft was taught by formidable forensic scientist Sir Barnabas Saltram, who has built his reputation on giving evidence of this kind. But when Saltram agrees to testify, thus saving an innocent man from the gallows, Daniel unwittingly starts a chain of events that has devastating consequences for all of them...

(P) 2019 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

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Editore Headline

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 10:28.59

Pubblicato 05/03/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472257307

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One Fatal Flaw (Daniel Pitt Mystery 3)

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