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Optics of Nanomaterials

Vladimir I. Gavrilenko
pubblicato da Jenny Stanford Publishing

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Nanomaterials are mainly categorized into three groups: fundamental building blocks, dispersions or composites of building blocks in randomly ordered matrices, and spatially resolved, ordered nanostructures. Today, nanomaterials that offer some unique optical properties may find application as pure materials or may be integrated into larger structures. This book presents examples of both pure and composite materials that include organicinorganic nanocomposites and quantum dots embedded into different matrices for various applications in modern nanotechnology.

This edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with the most recent developments in the field. The newly added introductory paragraphs will help students and young researchers in better understanding the chapters. The new sections on frequently used physical constants and units conversions as well as the updated bibliography add to the book's utility. This textbook is unique compared with its counterparts in the market in respect of its scope as it contains introductory sections to the important topics on nanomaterial optics. This feature broadens its readership from engineers and researchers working in the field of materials science and optics, to lecturers, graduate students, and beginners who want to deepen their knowledge in nanomaterial optics.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Biologia » Zoologia » Ingegneria e Tecnologia » Altre tecnologie (acustica, ottica, militare¿) » Ingegneria meccanica e dei materiali

Editore Jenny Stanford Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/11/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781351358378

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Optics of Nanomaterials

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