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Otters: The Ultimate Otter Book for Kids

Jenny Kellett
pubblicato da Bellanova Books

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Dive into an Otter's World!

Dive into the fascinating world of otters with "The Ultimate Otter Book for Kids" by leading non-fiction author and trainee zookeeper, Jenny Kellett! Specially crafted for curious kids aged 9-12, this comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the lives of these playful, water-loving creatures. With stunning, full-color photographs capturing otters in their natural habitats, this book brings these adorable animals right into your hands.

What's Inside?
From understanding different otter species around the globe to uncovering their unique physical features and adaptations, this book leaves no stone unturned. Marvel at otters' intricate social structures, communication skills, and playful behaviors. Discover their diets, their role in ecosystems, and why otters are so important for our environment. Plus, explore how humans and otters have interacted through history, and what's being done to protect these fantastic animals today.

Keep the Learning Going!
The learning doesn't stop there! Test your otter knowledge with a challenging quiz and an otter-themed word search puzzle. Uncover incredible fun facts and trivia that will make you an otter expert in no time.

Book Features:

  • Beautiful Full-Color Photographs
  • Comprehensive, Age-Appropriate Content
  • Fun Quiz and Word Search Puzzle
  • Over 50 Otter Facts for Trivia Lovers

"The Ultimate Otter Book for Kids" combines education and entertainment in a way that will capture the imagination of young readers. Get ready to slide into the captivating universe of ottersyour adventure awaits!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Scienze, spazio e natura » Temi personali e sociali » Ambiente

Editore Bellanova Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791222448077

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Otters: The Ultimate Otter Book for Kids

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