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Our Angry Earth

Isaac Asimov - Frederik Pohl - Kim Stanley Robinson
pubblicato da Tor Books

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"A lucid overview of [environmental] problems and a compelling call to action." Publishers Weekly

From two of science fiction's most celebrated and brilliant mindsIsaac Asimov and Frederik Pohlcomes the second edition of Our Angry Earth, a comprehensive analysis of today's environmental threats and a guide on how we can heal our planet, with an introduction and afterword from New York Timesbestselling author Kim Stanley Robinson.

Our Angry Earth provides a candid picture of the present and many possibilities for a better, cleaner future. From the greenhouse effect and depletion of our ozone layer to nuclear waste and species extinction, Asimov and Pohl not only present accessible explanations of complex scientific processes but ways we can improve our behavior and relationship with the planet, whether it be involvement in social activism or individual lifestyle changes.

Kim Stanley Robinson, author of New York Times bestsellers 2312, New York2140, and the internationally renowned Mars trilogy, brings his decades-spanning expertise in climate change to Our Angry Earth's introduction and afterword.

"A crash course in saving Planet Earthour only home for generations, if not centuries, to come." Arthur C. Clarke

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Ecologia e Ambiente » Inquinamento e minacce per l'ambiente » Pensiero e organizzazioni ambientaliste

Editore Tor Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250163660

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Our Angry Earth

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