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Our Haggadah

Cokie Roberts - Steven V. Roberts
pubblicato da HarperCollins

Prezzo online:
-10 %

New York Times bestsellers Cokie Roberts and Steven V. Roberts offer a unique, personalized vision of the traditional Passover Haggadah, combining their own family traditions with favorites from other families in a fun, intimate guide written especially for couples of mixed faiths. A fresh and informative tour through the rituals of the Pesach Seder as well as a compelling rendition of the Exodus story, Our Haggadah is the perfect book for any interfaith family celebrating Passover. Readers of the couple's compelling account of their marriage, From This Day Forward ("Instructive and inspiring" New York Times Book Review) as well as Cokie Roberts' We Are Our Mothers' Daughters and Steven V. Roberts' My Father's Houses, will be enthralled by this glimpse into the couple's inclusive Passover rituals.

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Our Haggadah

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